2022 June
This has been an excellent course from start to finish. Very well organised and fantastic teacher with teaching content. The methodology is very organised and easy to follow. I would say 10/10 for all the contents and a must to learn cardiac CT. Rating: 5/5
Ali Hussain A Alhumaidan, Consultant Cardiologist, Kuwait (Onsite participant)
Excellent CT course. Highly recommended.Rating: 5/5
Amal John, Cardiology Registrar, Ireland
The course was well conducted and would recommend others to enrol. Rating: 5/5
Anna Kaszewska, Cardiologist, Redhill, UK (Onsite participant)
This was the best course I have ever participated in. Online lectures gave me solid knowledge before I started resolving cases. The venue, organisation, timing, and refreshments were great. I would strongly recommend it. Rating: 5/5
Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Radiologist, Sweden (Onsite participant)
Great lectures hold by both Dr. Tarun and Dr. Mini. Even though very long days it never got boring, thanks to interesting cases and mostly high speed. Amanda provided good technical support. In all an excellent course that I will recommend. Rating: 5/5
Arthur Yung, Cardiologist, Hong Kong (Online participant)
Overall, very pleased with the entire course and online experience. Would highly recommend the online course for anyone who cannot join in person. Rating: 5/5
Balvinder Handa, Cardiology SPR, Hammersmith Hospital, London (Onsite participant)
The course is comprehensive and excellent. I valued the fact that we had individual workstations and were given adequate time to go through each case individually. A TAVI workflow sheet would highly useful with details on how to correctly take measurements. Equally an online tutorial to accompany it would be appreciated. I enjoyed the course. The venue and catering were excellent. Dr Mittal was excellent. Perhaps an additional member of faculty to support the cases may be useful. Rating: 5/5
Benjamin Bussman, Cardiology Fellow, Reading, England (Onsite participant)
Amazing course. I don’t think I have ever learned so much in one week. Excellent case mix and with hands on engagement with every single case. Clearly structured and building of cases so that by the end I feel confident in reporting anything. Rating: 5/5
Chin Soo, Cardiology SPR, Castle Hill Hospital, England (Onsite participant)
Excellent interaction between course organiser, TeraRecon specialist, and course delegates.Rating: 5/5
Clementine Lau, Cardiology SPR, Wolverhampton, England (Online participant)
Excellent overview of cases from common to rarer presentations. Approachable and knowledgeable faculty. An intensive course which significantly improved my skills in interpreting cardiac CT. Rating: 5/5
Cwengile Gagela, Radiologist, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to start reporting cardiac CT. It was very informative, and I love that we were taught an approach to cases. Rating: 5/5
Deepa Jadhav, Consultant Radiologist, Chester, England
The course was excellent in terms of a variety of cases, the time given, the doubts cleared and the involvement of all the participants. Value for money. Rating: 5/5
Emil von Rosen, Clinical Physiology Fellow, Sweden
Great course! Rating: 5/5
Fumni James, Radiologist, Nigeria (Onsite participant)
The course was excellent. Diverse cases, interactive and hands-on teaching methods on a dedicated workstation, made the learning process very engaging. I have learnt so much from this course (lots of new things) and would recommend this for those interested in cardiac CT.Rating: 5/5
Fu Chiu Lai, Cardiologist, Hong Kong
Dr Mittal’s teaching approaches were patient and great, steps by steps, lead my learning to acquire the skills very well. Rating: 5/5
Georgios Pallis, Cardiologist, Cyprus
The course was excellent in all aspects and all the lecturers were amazing, friendly and approachable. I did not face any technical issues while participating in the online course. I feel that I have earned a lot of knowledge with my participation and for that I am very thankful. Rating: 5/5
Giulia Mattesi, Cardiologist, Italy (Onsite participant)
Excellent quality of the course, great learning with Dr Mittal always keeping the focus. Rating: 5/5
Gorm Mork, Cardiologist, Denmark (Onsite participant)
Fantastic course! The days are very long and it’s hard work but it’s all worth it. Can highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested in getting into Cardiac CT and to anyone who’s been working with it for some time and want to delve deeper into it. Rating: 5/5
Karen Darragh, Consultant Cardiologist, Ireland
I found the course excellent. My only criticism was regarding the technical lecture as mentioned above. A dummies guide to radiology for cardiologists would have helped me I think. Otherwise, excellent course content, great descriptions and you have great patience with the numerous questions etc. I had some Internet issues one day but other than that it ran relatively smoothly for me. Parallels kicked me out once or twice and there were some issues with screen sharing but nothing too significant. I would definitely recommend it to others. Rating: 5/5
Response: Thanks, Karen. I understand that CT physics can be complex to understand, and one needs to go through a few times. I hope that the revision of the main concepts that I provided on the first day helped in this regard. Tarun
Karsten Murray, Cardiologist, Switzerland (Onsite participant)
What an intense week! This is probably the best course I have ever been to! I will definitely recommend this course to my colleagues! Thank you once again for the excellent teaching, your enthusiasm and also the great fun we had! BBQ was great! Rating: 5/5
Kevin Chung, Cardiology SPR, London
Very good conduct and quality of the course. Dr Mittal, Dr Pakkal and the Terarecon team were excellent in building knowledge from the ground up to enable a comprehensive and systematic approach to interpret cardiac CT. Rating: 5/5
Khalid Aljohani, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Saudi Arabia (Onsite participant)
Excellent course with excellent teaching of Prof. Mittal. Rating: 5/5
Kristina Procida, Consultant Cardiologist and Ass Professor, Denmark (Onsite participant)
Overall, an excellent CT course. Even though I had no prior experience in the field of cardiac CT, I have learned a lot in just a few days. I will highly recommend the course to everyone who are interested in doing cardiac CT.
Lalit Bhalla, Consultant Cardiologist, Newport, Wales (Onsite participant)
Excellent course. I feel I’m ready to become part of the cardiac CT service at our hospital.
Lovisa Flardh, Consultant Radiologist, Sweden
I was surprised what a great course it was, even though I had heard it from a colleague. As an online participant I felt very well taken care of, it was clear dr Mittal was eager to include us all in the course and he managed very well. After a few years of corona and online courses, quality has varied, but this was very good. It was great with the combination of coronary findings/thoracic vascular as well as coronary arteries. I feel I will have much use of what I've learned during this course. I think I got so much "straightforward" information, very pleased!
Marco Previtero, Cardiologist, Italy (Onsite participant)
The course Is perfetto as It Is. You're Amazing. The course Is very good. I don't have any suggestions.
Mustafa Hamid, Radiologist, Oman (Onsite participant)
The course is excellent but regarding TAVI I think it needs an extra day for training.
Response: Thanks, Mustafa. In a regular Level 2 course, only half a day is available. However, this forms a good basis for you to undertake an advanced dedicated TAVI CT course.
Oltiana Lakra, Consultant Cardiologist, London (Onsite participant)
Great presentation in terms of quality and variety on different types of cardiac disease and also extra cardiac findings.
Raeesa Omar, Radiologist, Cape Town, South Africa (Onsite participant)
Excellent, well-structured and well-presented course. Feel confident to report cardiac CT.
Raham Karimaghaei, Interventional Radiologist, St George’s Hospital, London (Onsite participant)
I think the course was excellent overall giving access and feedback to a whole variety of cardiac CT imaging. Dr Mittal and Dr Pakkal are excellent tutors. I really enjoyed the week and feel ready to commence my cardiac imaging practice.
Rasit Ozygit, Consultant Cardiologist, Huntington (Onsite participant)
Excellent course. Easy to understand for cardiologists. Very useful lectures. Excellent case variety. Perfect IT support. Very good hospitality. Providing ongoing support is extremely useful not to forget things and to continue developing experiences.Rating: 5/5
Sara Moura Ferreira, Consultant Cardiologist, Porto, Portugal
The focus on hands-on analysis of clinical cases was one of the strong parts of this course. This works since the theoretical part had to be watched beforehand which allows for the course to be about actual cases. As an online participant, I appreciate the attention to make us not feel forgotten and to make sure we participate, showing the course was well-organized and executed, this was to the extent that I felt no disadvantage by not being on-site for this training.
Wei Jun How, Cardiology SPR, Manchester, England (Onsite participant)
A huge case mix to supplement all of the learning objectives. Definitely a huge boost to my overall confidence in interpreting cardiac CT
William Cooper, Radiology SPR, Bristol, England (Onsite participant)
Excellent course. I’ve been reporting Cardiac CT for a few years but hadn’t seen enough pathology to feel comfortable reporting independently. The review system Dr Mittal teaches is excellent and I will implement this into my practice from now on. Thank you.
2021 March
Excellent course. Very enjoyable and certainly met my learning objectives.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Mona Ahmed, MD, PhD, Stockholm, Sweden
I am not accustomed to these short coffee breaks, but it was easy to forget about it because this was truly the best course I have ever attended, worth every minute. The variety of the cases, the course content, and the amount of training you get during the course are very well balanced. Dr Mittal is truly an exceptional teacher! The learning curve is steep and it’s time well invested. I would definitely recommend this course.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Henrik Löfmark, Consultant Cardiologist, Stockholm, Sweden
The cases were presented in a very pedagogic way with reasonable time to prepare by yourself. Good to have the small “pressure” to be a presenter of each case which makes you stay focused all through.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Ghufran Aref Saeed, Radiologist, Abu Dhabi, UAE
It was an excellent, well-structured course where you learn in detail with a great chance to discuss and share experiences. Special thanks to Dr. Mittal and TeraRecon team.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Ching Hui Sia, Associate Consultant in Cardiology, Singapore
Dr Mittal was an excellent, experienced, and patient teacher who was extremely willing to share his knowledge. Would definitely recommend this course! The use of an online platform enabled us to learn remotely, something extremely valuable during the pandemic - I would recommend having an online course option as well even after the pandemic is over so that there can be more overseas participation.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Niklas Nyman, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, Stockholm, Sweden
In my opinion, the Course has been better and given me more information than I expected. I think it is important if possible to have the Course within given time limits. I do not know how to solve it but it is not satisfactory when one person is having software problems it takes time from all participants. I am impressed by the patience and passion in leading the Course by dr Mittal.
Response: Niklas, many thanks for your feedback. It is important that all participants progress through the course in the same way at the same rate. If I feel that someone's issue is going to take more time then it is fine to proceed and hope that person will catch up later.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Manzoor Ahmed, Consultant Radiologist, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Excellent course. A lot of effort by the director.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Vijaykumar Subban, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Chennai, India
Well-organized course covering all the essential aspects of cardiac CT with plenty of case examples and a systematic approach.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Kumayl Al-Lawati, Senior Fellow in Heart Failure and Devices, Birmingham, UK
I think it was an exceptional course. The hands-on sessions were really fruitful.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Karl Hansson, Consultant Radiologist, Stockholm, Sweden
Very intense course! Probably the most effective course I have attended. Online was better than I would have thought. Dr. Mittal is an excellent teacher!
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Jeetendra Thambyrajah, Consultant Cardiologist, Middlesbrough, UK
I would have preferred to have done more coronary cases rather than aortic valve cases but this is a personal preference. However, I accept that there is a time constraint.
Response: Jeet, thanks for your feedback. As you know, CT has become essential for planning ofTAVI procedures. It is thus expected that some cases of valve/TAVI included in the Level 2 course.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Ruha Cerrato, Consultant Cardiologist, Stockholm, Sweden
Overall very well organized course and dr Mittal did a fantastic job. For having no previous experience of Cardiac CT I felt I could still benefit from the course and I was given direct feedback and support.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Sameer Kalgaonkar, Consultant Radiologist, Dumfries, UK
This is a highly recommended course. Dr Mittal is a great teacher. The simplistic approach, easy language, and the ability to teach has been phenomenal. There is not a single aspect of the course which was below excellence. The collection of cases, illustrations, the content of the lectures and the online workshop to go through the entire variety of cases is very helpful to complete and useful. Online lectures are better than in-person face-to-face lectures. You can rewind and listen to concepts that are difficult. You can adapt to different time schedules.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Shaheen Dixon, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, Basingstoke, UK
It is a fantastic course, well done, well run and the learning content was fantastic! I have learned so much. It's one of the best courses I have been on in a while.
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Pei Gee Chew, Cardiology SPR, Liverpool, UK
Exceptional course. Excellent organisation, smooth running despite its virtual format; with plenty of learning points. Dr Mittal goes above and beyond in ensuring we learn the in/outs of Cardiac CT. Thank you!
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Thamal Vithanage, Fellow in Cardiology, Nottingham, UK
The course was amazing! Covered a lot more than the areas required for routine practice. I am now confident in my ability to interpret and report cardiac CTs independently. I have to extend a very big thank you to Dr Mittal! You are truly passionate about cardiac CT and you are great at rubbing off that enthusiasm on the participants as well - I am truly inspired! Thank you very much for this!
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
2020 November
Fabulous course, efficiently structured, very intense learning through a large number of hands-on cases, with superb didactic support. High quality of lectures and great educational content, all directly connected to practical cases. Dr. Mitral is an incredible teacher with immense patience and takes it at heart that everyone learns what is necessary. The technology used was fantastic, flawless, quick, robust, user friendly, and with a super-efficient IT backup, which made the online course better than any other live course I have been to. Support was given before, during and even after the course. Would STRONGLY advise it to anyone who wants to learn Cardiac CT, no matter the background. Thank you.
Shahbaz Kureshi, Professor of Cardiology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Overall conduct and quality of the course were excellent. The quality of the lectures was top class and very well researched. The hands-on experience was unique, with personal attention to everyone, and the opportunity to learn when everyone else was presenting and others could watch and be a part of it, which enhanced the learning process. It was a unique and very rewarding experience. The passion of the faculty to teach was palpable, the patience exemplary. It was very well organised and executed to perfection. Without a shadow of doubt a teaching course par excellence, one to be recommended to all interested and working in the field of cardiac CT, Cardiology, and Radiology. If provided with another chance I would look forward to participating next year again. I wish the entire faculty continued success, prosperity and good health. Thank you very much for a great experience and learning cutting edge technology and improving my skills.
Leila Kanni, Clinical Physiologist, Stockholm, Sweden
I had no former knowledge of CT at all. Thanks to dr Mittal’s excellence in teaching and knowledge in this field I still could follow all the moments and learned so much. The best course I have had so far in this field. The software worked very well all the time and support was always available at hand.
Wael Elabbassi, Cardiologist, Owen sound, Canada
Very very sincere and high-quality teaching from a professional.
Tahira Aslam, Consultant Radiologist, Isle of Man
The course was very well organized with good quality teaching and excellent resources.
Fatma Demirel, Cardiology Trainee, Zwolle, The Netherlands
The course with all of the presentations and cases were of high quality. I first had some doubts about an online course, however the way it was set up, and due to an interactive way, we learned a lot from Tarun/Mini and from the other participants. I would highly recommend the course to my colleague.
C. T. Grutters, Radiologist, Zwolle, The Netherlands
It was a really nice experience. More than my initial expectations. The cases were really interesting. I just would have seen more, I guess. I have now learned a really good base of looking at the cardiac CT. The interpretation of coronary plaques is one where more experience is needed. Luckily, we have experienced cardiologists where we can learn from. I would thank you for sharing your experience with me. It was a really good course. Too bad we couldn't meet in person. Perhaps in the future we will.
Julien Cohen, Radiologist, Chief of Unit, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Great course. Thank you Tarun and Mini for your insights
Bart Posthuma, Radiologist, Hardenberg, The Netherlands
An excellent course in terms of educational value, it was well organized; especially the one on one education during the analyses of the cases online provided insight on my own skills and knowledge. The organizers were extremely helpful and were easily approachable and showed great knowledge. I wish I had attended the course earlier. I highly would recommend the course to colleagues with an interest in cardiac CT imaging.
Thyusha Devineni, Consultant Radiologist, Lancashire, UK
Slow and steady approach, very patient.
Parthasarathy Karunakaran, Consultant Radiologist, Chester, UK
Excellent course content and well handled by Dr Mittal. Very comfortable having it totally online in these unpredictable times. Software and application support provided throughout.
Colin McQuade, Radiology SPR, Dublin, Ireland
Excellent course! My knowledge and understanding has increased beyond my expectations over the last week. Many aspects will stand to me when even reporting a general day to day CT list, in addition to providing me with the tools to build upon my confidence in reporting cardiac CT. Would highly recommend it.
2019 April
Thanks to all the participants of the March-April 2019 UK Cardiac CT course for their feedback and valuable suggestions.
Harold Ayetey, CMR Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
An excellent course in terms of educational value, but it’s more than that. It feels like a welcoming into the cardiac CT community. Exceptional!
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Czilla Jozsa, Cardiology and Imaging Fellow, Barts Heart Centre, London, UK
I have been doing cardiac CT for a while. I was very pleased with the course, the cases were interesting and challenging. I would highly recommend it to my other colleagues.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Roman Korenfield, Senior Cardiologist, Kaplan University Medical Centre, Israel
I have very enjoyed from the course quality, the professionality of the lecturers and interestinguity of the cases.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Jasveen Kandhai-Ragunath, Cardiologist, Gelderse Vallei, Netherlands
I thank the course was excellent It greatly improved my knowledge on cardiac CT
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Diego Alberto Ávila-Sanchez, Cardiologist, Hospital Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, Costa Rica
Excellent course. I would recommend to anyone who wants to get in deep with cardiac CT. It is amazing how well organized is the course, and how everyday you fell that your abilities to analyze the cases are improving. The only thing is that I would like to see more cases of TAVI and prosthesis pathology (thrombus, abscess, etc).
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Response: Dear Diego, thanks for your kind feedback. The course is geared towards Level II certification in line with curriculum recommended by the SCCT/ BSCI and endeavors to make the participants thorough in interpretation of Cardiac CT to an intermediate level. We do explain and go through cases of TAVI, congenital heart disease, thrombi, abscesses, etc but I hope that participants acquire experience of more complex conditions through their individual practice or by attending specialist advanced courses. It is not possible to go through basics of cardiac CT right up to an advanced level in a 6-day course and most participants working in general hospitals or diagnostic centers do not require the advanced knowledge.
Sridhar Srinivasan, Cardiology fellow, Barts Heart Centre, UK
Great course, wish I had done it earlier.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Giridhar Soda, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK
It’s been an excellent course all along and the organisers were very helpful and all the faculty were very easily approachable. More importantly the course was run at a good, but steady pace I would suggest adding more cases on paediatric cardiology, post op and pre op lesions. There are lot of technical difficulties in getting a child/newborn scanned. These issues need to be looked at and i would like to have a small session with a paediatric cardiac radiologist/ cardiologist who has expertise in scanning children. Lot of children and new born babies would need to be anaesthetised as well. The image quality is major issue in children .i understand this is a evolving imaging modality but the paediatric cardiac surgeons are increasingly expecting to be shown a CT on any complex congenital heart before they put the child under knife. With ever increased number of patients with CHD into adulthood, although the incidence of CHD is not on the rise, its prevalence is rising exponentially.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Response: Dear Giridhar, thanks for your feedback. You have highlighted very important need for an advanced course in paediatric cardiac CT addressing the specific requirements of scanning children. Please refer to my comments above to Diego.
Dr Hind Elzein, Cardiology SPR, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Excellent educational course
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Kamla Al-Wahaibi, Cardiology registrar, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Excellent course, highly recommended to others, one area of improvement I think it’s better if each delegate has her/his personal working station rather than 2 on 1.
Overall rating: 4/5 stars
Response: Dear Kamla, thanks for your feedback. From our experience of running the course over several years we believe that participants learn much more when they share the workstation with someone else, particularly from different speciality (please see some feedback below). Nevertheless, we always have some spare workstations if someone really thinks that they will be better off learning alone.
Dr Sharath Hosmane, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, Royal Preston Hospital, UK
Excellent course which is very well organised in an excellent venue with good IT support.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Rania Yehia Mohamed, Radiologist, Dubai Hospital, Dubai
The course provides excellent hand on tutorials in cardiac Ct and I would recommend more time for TAVI assessment.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Response: Dear Rania, many thanks for your feedback. Please see above responses.
Dr Ranji Thomas, Consultant in Acute Medicine with interest in Cardiology, Noble Hospital, Isle of Man
Did not realise how soon the week had gone and will highly recommend the IK cardiac CT course.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Emanuela Alati, Cardiac Imaging Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
Very interesting and relevant lectures. Excellent teaching style which kept me interested. I liked the interaction and real examples we worked through to improve our learning.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Dr Shannon Anderson, Radiology trainee, Basildon & Thurrock University Hospital, UK
Very professional and well thought out course.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Muhammad MHF Alshammari, Cardiology Interventional Fellow, St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Excellent case mix in terms of variety and complexity.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Souhad Yousef, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Barts Heart Centre, London, UK
Well organized, meeting all aspects. Would be great to give more time for TAVI and congenital.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Fouad Hasson, Consultant Cardiologist, Luton and Dunstable NHS Trust, UK
It was an excellent course and indeed it was more than I expected to be.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Jonathan Dawkins, Radiology SPR, Royal Stoke Hospital, UK
Overall the course was excellent. The lectures were well presented and engaging. The cases were great with a huge variety of interesting and appropriate cases of varying difficulty. The only improvement there could have been was better time management, lectures sometimes ran over and there was too much time to look at the cases. This could have meant either we finished the day a bit earlier or could have got through a few more cases.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Response: Dear Jonathan, many thanks for your feedback and suggestions. The lectures are delivered to give the participants sufficient information and ensure adequate understanding. The time schedule in the programme was arbitrary. Regarding the hands-on cases, everyone is of different ability and it is important that those less familiar with CT and post-processing have enough chance to learn. In this course, my emphasis is on the quality of training which does unfortunately result in a longer course.
Harankahadeniya Bandara, Cardiology Fellow, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK
I attended the course having only basic knowledge of cardiac CT, however after attending this course I was able to gain an excellent and comprehensive knowledge and skill on interpretation of cardiac CT and the practical aspect of it. The whole event was conducted with full of educational inputs without wasting of any time.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Response: Dear Bandara, thanks for the feedback.
Sayed Hafiz Naderi, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Imperial College NHS Trust, London, UK
The course was very well structured and the learning was at a good pace. Dr Mittal and colleagues provided many examples to practice a systematic approach to reporting. It ensured that we didn't miss any pathology but also trained our eyes to look for extra-cardiac manifestations. I highly recommend this course to those interested in Cardiac CT as it provides the perfect stepping stone in building ones confidence in this fast growing imaging modality.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Lucia vera Pernasetti, Consultant Cardiologist, Policlinica Rosario, Ibiza, Spain
The most productive courses I have ever attended. The most important is hands-on cases, many and close supervision. There was changing between lectures (well updated), cases, and videos, to keep attention (long hours). Consultants, teachers, and the environment in general is excellent for learning.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Jolanta Sobolewska, Consultant Cardiologist, Penine Acute NHS Trust, Oldham, UK
Excellent course, very well organized and provided structured approach how to analyse CT images. There was a lot of cases presented to appreciate the strengths and limitations of cardiac CT. We all felt very well looked after and I would like to say a big thank you to Dr Tarun Mittal for his enthusiasm and engagement. I would highly recommend this course.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Andreas Seraphim, Cardiology Fellow, Barts Heart Centre, London, UK
This is certainly one of the best courses I have attended as a cardiology trainee (UK trainee).
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Hafez Alhous, Consultant Cardiologist, William Harvey Hospital, Kent, UK
Excellent course!
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Mattia Valente, Cardiology trainee, University Medical Centre Groningen, Netherlands
A comprehensive, intensive course on both the basics and the finer points of Cardiac CT in its full breadth; far beyond merely examining coronary artery stenosis. The only comment I would have is that I would appreciate more cases of CT used in the diagnosis and follow-up of endocarditis - particularly paravalvular abscess formation in both aortic root and surrounding e.g. mechanical mitral valves. This is a far more common part of my daily practice than coronary or congenital anomalies, and an area where CT would seem extremely complementary to echo imaging.
Response: Dear Mattia, many thanks for the feedback and suggestion. Please see my responses above.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Thouqeer Ahmed, Specialist Radiologist, Dubai Hospital, Dubai
The course was very well organized by Dr Tarun and his team of professionals. The course content has covered most of the topics related to Cardiac CT imaging. The punctuality of sessions was maintained throughout the course. The complimentary dinners were awesome and memorable social gatherings. I would definitely recommend to my friends and colleagues to attend the course.
Response: Dear Thouqeer, many thanks for the feedback.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Ijsbrand Klip, Cardiology fellow, University Medical Centre Groningen, Netherlands
Very good location, course diners excellent. Topics during the course very interesting. Would love to see some more cases/lectures on endocarditis and CT (really informative for cardiologists).
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Seema Rodwell-Shah, Consultant Radiologist, The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
Great course definitively improved by combining cardiologist with radiologist at the workstation - this made for interesting clinical discussion regarding hands on cases. Very well run and great course dinners. Faculty are very engaged, and organisation overall was second to none.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Aleksandra Plichta, Consultant Radiologist, QEQM Hospital at Margate, UK
Definitely the best course I have ever been to. Perfect organisation and delivery.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Charis Costopoulos, Cardiology Clinical Lecturer, Imperial College NHS Trust, London, UK
I think this is an excellent course for the interventional cardiologists irrespective of whether they plan to be involved in cardiac CT long-term
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Kathy Hebert, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Southeast Veterans Hospital New Orleans, USA
I would prefer to have a thumb drive than the large book with slides. The slides are too small to read in the book I would add all pictures of pathology shown in the course so we can study at home and include labels. I would add myocarditis and thoracic ulcers. If you could include CMR pictures side by side with CT to show pros and cons of each.
Response: Dear Kathy, many thanks for your feedback. Please check the all the slides in the manual on the ‘onedrive’ folder, the link to which I have sent to everyone. Although myocarditis is not a diagnosis made on cardiac CT, I did show two incidental cases of suspected myocarditis. I can certainly add thoracic ulcer.
2018 November
Francesca Musella, Cardiac Imaging Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London
The course is extremely well organized. The opportunity to spend most of the time on hands-on sessions rather than having theoretical lessons is very effective in terms of learning and helping to create a structured approach to the reporting. The team of Supervisors is extremely qualified. All very professional and kind, always prone to provide explanations and patently reply to all the questions. All the cases have been discussed in detail and with no harry. The possibility to double check results with Angio findings is an added value to the course. Everything was extremely well organized, also in terms of timing, lunch breaks, and coffee breaks. Nice the idea to arrange two-course dinner that helped to socialize and created a nice and friendly atmosphere during the whole course. One of the best courses I have ever attended.
Course rating: 5/5
Nicholas Yul Chye Chua, Cardiology SPR, St. Barts Hospital, London
Wonderful, in-depth and excellent cardiac CT level 2 course. Great touch to have online lectures. Excellent post-course support material/group. I would highly recommend it to any radiologist/cardiologist! Perhaps, a few suggestions of mine: 1. Do include more online lectures - make them mandatory to review +- more tests 2. More sessions for coronary artery disease evaluation 3. Perhaps rapid fire session - targeted at coronaries 5+5 minute sessions (5min review, 5min for feedback) - so can review 6 coronary cases in an hour.. perhaps dedicate 1-2 half day sessions Thank you! Response: Thanks Nick for all the suggestions. Let me see if they can be implemented for the next courses.
Course rating: 5/5
Marian-Cosmin Lung, Cardiologist, John Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
Very good hands-on training, meets the expectations, very experienced speakers. Highly recommended.
Course rating: 5/5
Ahmed Wahdan, Radiologist, Ministry of Health, Sharjah, UAE
Course was very good only if you can provide workstation per candidate Response: In our experience, pairing with another candidate particularly with that of opposite specialty provides the best learning experience. However, we do keep some extra workstations, just in case someone prefers to work on their own.
Course rating: 5/5
Mohammed Imran Ansari, Cardiology SPR, Nottingham University Hospital
Excellent course at the right pace for novice to CT like me. Very interactive and practical oriented. Recommend to break up the course in two part. This might not be suitable for international attendees but for a local attendee, it might be more convenient.
Response: Thanks Imran. People just prefer to come and finish the course in one go. That is why we offer a combined Level 1 and 2 course.
Course rating: 5/5
Brian Daragh Murphy, Consultant Radiologist, Mater Private Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
I thought the course was extremely well organized and delivered. The preparatory lecture series was very helpful. The venue was easy to reach and provided an excellent base for the duration. The 6 days mixture of lectures and cases was engaging and challenging in equal measure. I feel my practice and confidence will be greatly enhanced by participating in this course.
Course rating: 5/5
Riaz Ahmed, Consultant Radiologist, Surrey and Sussex Hospitals Healthcare NHS Trust, UK
Excellent overall - amazing teaching and lectures, the course gives you a very good in-depth base for performing cardiac CT, and the cases are fantastic - well done!
Course rating: 5/5
Mia Joubert, Consultant Radiologist, Mediclinic Heart Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa
Wow, this was the best course I ever attended. It was very personal and very informative. Dr. Mittal and his team are excellent teachers, and everyone gets an opportunity to participate. You also learn a very good approach.
Course rating: 5/5
Ameer Al-Bassam, Senior Fellow in Cardiology, West Middlesex Hospital, London, UK
It's very nice course for the cardiac CT, very good learning and variety of cases, however, I think it might be possible to add some 1 hour of cases variety such as SCAD on the CT scan or rarer congenital cases as a quick review, but overall was an excellent course.
Course rating: 5/5
Cristina Elorz, Cardiologist, Conquest Hospital, Hastings, UK
An excellent course covering a wide range of cases and hands-on practice.
Course rating: 5/5
Sean Fleming, Consultant Cardiologist, MRH Portlaoise, Ireland
Excellent Course. Enjoyable and readily applicable to clinical care.
Course rating: 5/5
Suvro Banerjee, Consultant Cardiologist, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, India
This is a comprehensive course, covering all of what a cardiologist needs to know about cardiac CT. Efficiently organised with good speakers and very helpful software application support. This is an excellent course which I highly recommend.
Course rating: 5/5
Siaw Cheng Teo, Cardiologist, University Hospital Wishaw, Scotland
The conduct and content of the course were excellent. Would highly recommend to anyone interested in Cardiac CT.
Course rating: 5/5
Ahmed Ismail, Consultant Radiologist, Wigan Infirmary, Greater Manchester
Excellent and very fruitful course. I am confident to run the service. Drs Mittal, Ben and Mini are excellent teachers and willing to go the extra mile. I think 5 days would be enough for the material to be covered. This was also felt by colleagues.
Course rating: 5/5
Tim Edwards, Consultant Cardiologist, Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester, UK
I thought it was extremely good and very enjoyable. I would recommend it to anyone.
Course rating: 5/5
Emmanouil Androulakis, Cardiology Fellow, St Georges Hospital, London
Excellent course and presentation
Course rating: 5/5
Gonçalo Cardoso, Consultant Cardiologist, Hospital Particular do Algarve, Portugal
I really like the course. It was really important for me. I like that all the teachers had a lot of responsibility for the students (even after the classes).
Course rating: 5/5
Shanti Velmurugan, Consultant Cardiologist, Whipps Cross Hospital, London
Super. I think I would have liked to have been paired with a radiologist if possible to contrast my knowledge as a cardiologist. Response: Thanks Shanti, we always propose to participants to pair with someone from opposite specialty. However, this is not always possible as they are not in equal numbers. I do hope that you still achieved your objectives of coming to the course.
Course rating: 5/5
Konstantinos Drevelegas, Consultant Radiologist, Interbalkan Medical Centre, Greece
Very well organized course definitely meeting its learning objectives.
Course rating: 5/5
Esam Elbarasi, Cardiologist, William Osler Health System, Brampton, Canada
Course rating: 5/5
Shahana Esmail, Consultant Cardiologist, Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, Scotland
Great course. Excellent teachers, especially Tarun and Mini. Super cases. Very well organised.
Course rating: 4/5
Latifa Alkhouri, Consultant Cardiologist, Zayed military hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Course contents are excellent and intensive enough to cover most of the topics and meet your need, then different learning curves from person to person will need further training.
Course rating: 5/5
2018 July
Participant | Comments | Grading out of 5 |
K Tandjung, Cardiology trainee, Thoraxcentrum Twente, Netherlands | Very good course, would recommend. Course facility could be upgraded | 5 |
Harshana Samarasinghe, Cardiology Fellow, Harefield Hospital, London | Excellent | 5 |
Theodoros Ntoskas, Cardiologist, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, UK | Excellent organised course with comprehensive presentations and great time spending for good quality and very educational hands-on cases. Absolutely beneficial the pre-course compulsory online training, as well the 6-days course. | 5 |
Juruan de Witt, Consultant Radiologist, Windhoek, Namibia | Very comprehensive course. Professionally structured and presented. | 4 |
Jaroslav SKOPAL, Consultant Cardiologist, Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, UK | Excellent course. | 5 |
Sadia Sultana, Radiology SPR, University Hospital Birmingham, UK | Excellent | 5 |
Bob von Bartheld, Cardiology trainee, Noord West Ziekenhuis Groep, The Netherlands | Overall a very good course, I learned a lot! The days were long with a lot of cases but I guess for level 2 there is no other option. It would be good to have more than one presenter, I really value Tarun highly but for the mind it is better to have variation in speakers. | 4 |
Eric Frosztega, Radiology trainee, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden | Excellent course. The pairing of radiologists and cardiologists to one workstation was extremely rewarding and educational - as a radiologist this allowed me to learn/question which findings are more important for cardiologists, and (in my opinion) my experience with radiology helped my colleague to better understand/interpret the data from the CT examinations. | 5 |
Radu Cramariuc, Radiologist, HNT - Namsos Sykehus, Namsos, Norway | Interactive and intensive course. Recommended! | 5 |
Akshat Khurana, Cardiology trainee, Waikato District Health Board, Hamilton, New Zealand | UK cardiac CT course was a wonderful experience. The staff and teaching facility were very personable and approachable. It has definitely enhanced my understanding of cardiac CT and I would highly recommend it to my other colleagues. Hands-on cases were an excellent experience. | 5 |
Suvarna Kolla, Consultant Radiologist, Sunderland royal hospital, UK | The quality of the course is exceptionally high standards, nothing to spot on. This course certainly gave me confidence in cardiac reporting without much previous cardiac background. | 5 |
Ruwana Munasinghe, Cardiology Fellow, Harefield Hospital, London, UK | The course was organized in a very attractive and structural way. we had enough time to go through few lectures since some lectures were submitted earlier as online lectures. Really appreciate it. The material provided is clearly structured. Most importantly, the lecturer, Dr Tarun has explained all the cases very clearly and interestingly. Thank you very much for all the team who had contributed in various ways to make such interesting valuable workshop. | 5 |
Manali Jain, Cardiology SPR, Leeds General Infirmary, UK | Beautifully conducted CT course with fantastic variety of cases and lovely pace. Despite the amount of pathology seen, the course did not feel rushed. Thank you, Dr Mittal, for the week of learning bliss. | 5 |
S. A. C. Nandasiri, Consultant Cardiologist, Luton & Dunstable Hospital, UK | Excellent course, nicely structured, well organized. Excellent support, learning materiel and hands-on work during the course. Highly recommended. | 5 |
Wouter Wieringa, Cardiology trainee, UMCG, Groningen, Netherlands | It is a high-quality course, I would certainly recommend it to my peers. In my opinion, the pace of the cases could be a little bit higher, but I already had experience in reading cardiac CTs | 5 |
Fady Gerges, Cardiologist, NMC Speciality Hospital, UAE | Outstanding course and representing state of the art in way of presentation and delivering information by Tarun whom I belive delivers the most fruitful and useful cardiac CT course. I salute Tarun and his team.. excellent material and outstanding teamwork. I liked the cardiologist radiologist combination. It was very encouraging to motive all of us to interact actively in the course. I would recommend the course to all cardiologists and radiologists I know.. | 5 |
Ingrid Vognild, Radiology trainee, University Hospital of Northern Norway, Tromsø, Norway | Very good with the lectures online on the course. I really liked it, but would have prefere to have to more time on grade, stents and cases that looked at functional study of the myocardium. And mabye less of the coronary part:-) | 5 |
Amobi Akonobi, Cardiology, Kings Mill Hospital, UK | This is an excellent course, very intense and fit for purpose. | 5 |
Ryan Volker, Consultant Radiologist, Windhoek, Namibia | Excellent course. You leave with the ability and confidence to report cardiac cases on your own. Highly recommended. | 5 |
Josh Chai, Consultant Cardiologist, Wexham Park Hospital, UK | Excellent course for any cardiologist wanting to learn cardiac CT. Great lectures and hands-on material. The "pairing" of 1 cardiologist + 1 radiologist at each workstation works particularly well. Truly enjoyed this cardiac CT course. Highly recommended. | 5 |
Balachandran Kandasamy, Consultant Cardiologist, Inst Jantung Negara, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia | excellent. Will recommend to other Cardiologists | 1 |
Kavitha Vimalesvaran, Cardiology SPR, Wexham Park Hospital, UK | Thank you for the excellent course! I haven't received such amazing teaching in a very long time - albeit intense, the course was everything I expected and much more! I particularly enjoyed learning and practicing the structured way of interpreting Cardiac CT. I was also extremely impressed by the breadth of cases we were exposed to. Thanks for the exceptional week and I will most definitely be recommending it to my fellow registrars. | 5 |
Alberto Villanueva, Consultant Radiologist, East Surrey Hospital, UK | The course is comprehensive and allow you to confidently report CT coronary angiograms at the end of it. The fact that most of the course is based on hands-on work makes it attractive. What you learn here is a method of working. There is a good balance between practical sessions and theory that is also needed. These 5 days will be unforgettable. | 5 |
Mehrdad Talebian Yazdi, Cardiology trainee, Haga Teaching Hospital, The Hague, The Netherlands | Quality of the course was excellent. I love the hands-on sessions, very insightful. It is a bit tiring in the end, but I guess that is just part of level 2 Training. | 4 |
Jeffrey Verschuren, Cardiology trainee, Leiden Universtiy Hospital, The Netherlands | Very comprehensive course. All aspect and possibilities of cardiac CT are covered. Enthusiastic and knowledgeable course leader. Majority, of course, is hands-on. | 4 |
Debashish Das, Cardiology fellow, Barts Heart Centre, London, UK | Well organised course | 5 |
Frank Brouwers, Cardiology Trainee, Martini Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands | In general, the course was of high quality and quite satisfactory. Personally, I would have preferred to speed up the cases a little bit more, especially after the first day / first two days. | 4 |
Erik Lipsic, Cardiology Trainee, Martini Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands | Very helpful and intensive course learning me the cardiac CT in a one week time essentially from scratch. | 5 |
Rajesh Bagree, Consultant Radiologist, Mediclinic Welcare Hospital, Dubai, UAE | excellent course.Very practical and gently paced for maximum impact and learning | 5 |
Jirina Hurychova, Cardiology, Glangwili General Hospital, Wales, UK | I have found the course very interesting and helpful in understanding cardiac CT as I had not had any experience with it before I attended the course. I could see that every day I found myself improving in recognizing abnormalities and more confident in reporting. Overall this was possibly the best course I have ever attended and I would definitely recommend it to my colleagues. | 5 |
Milind Raje, Consultant Radiologist, Al Zahra Hospital Sharjah, UAE | a very precise and professional learning course, definitely to be recommended to anyone who plans to start a cardiac ct service. it is also a good refresher to those who may want to keep in touch with the latest practice in this field. | 5 |
Hindrik Wybren van der Werf, Consultant Cardiologist, UMCG, The Netherlands | Excellent course, where i learned the basics of cardiac CT. | 5 |
Yusra Alkadhim, Consultant Radiologist, John Hopkins Aramco Health Centre, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia | Excellent course that provided great knowledge about Cardiac CT | 5 |
Eleni Nakou, Cardiology, Barts Heart Centre, London | Indeed it was one of the best courses I have ever attended! You and your team did a really great job! The only thing that I would suggest is more hand-on cases on TAVI and stents. This maybe means one more day..? Honestly, I would be very happy to come again and take part in the course next year!! Thank you very much, Tarun! I really appreciate it! This is professionalism as we say in Greece! Many thanks! | 5 |
Loay Ahmed Ali Mohammed Khair, Cardiology trainee, King Abdullah Medical Centre, Saudia Arabia | Excellent Hand on training, but need to increase basic pre course lectures, in order to improve our understanding to basic CT concepts. | 5 |
Rajesh Kanna, Consultant Cardiologist, Global Cardiology, Perth, Australia | The best course I have done post completion of my training! Would gladly attend if you teach anything else Tarun! | 5 |
Anna-Catharina Hegstad, Consultant Radiologist, Unilabs - Radiology, Majorstuen, Norway | I learned more than expected!!! Long hours, but well conducted! Maybe we should have changed partners every day, in order to learn more and get to know more people. | 5 |
Pranav Bhagirath, Cardiology trainee, VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | A great course that delivers more than it promises. I now feel fully confident in reporting cardiac CT! | 5 |
Jawad Khan, Consultant Cardiologist, City Hospital, Birmingham | a very high caliber course with additional time spent working through cases being very valuable | 5 |
Radu Cramariuc, Consultant Radiologist, HNT Namsos Hospital, Norway | Intense and involving course. It helped me a lot. Recommended! | 5 |
2018 April-May
Rachel England, Consultant Radiologist, Guernsey
The course itself was superb and I would highly recommend it to colleagues.
Majed Dwaik, Consultant Radiologist, Palestine
Excellent course. I will recommend it for my colleagues
Ann Helen Nystedt, Consultant Radiologist, Norway
Very intense, and days were a bit long, but overall probably the best course I have ever attended.
Ilse Crevits, Consultant Radiologist, Belgium
It would be nice to have one workstation/person to be able to work through the cases at your own pace: for me it would probably have been possible to review more cases or to finish them in a shorter time period. But it would definitely not be a reason not to recommend this course to others. Was really a brilliant, high level learning experience. Felt more confident in my job as cardiovascular radiologist after the course, both because I felt confirmed in the way I did my job before taking the course and also because of filling the knowledge gaps I had. Dr Mittal’s response: Ilse, thanks for your feedback. There are pros and cons to have a single participant on each workstation. We always try to pair a cardiologist with a radiologist so that they learn from each other as well. And also, it is good to have someone faster with someone slower, with the aim of the latter learning and coming up to a reasonable pace (obviously, the faster one would need to have patience).
Malin, Consultant Radiologist, Sweden
Overall an excellent course, I learned a lot, thanks!
Steef Sinkeler, University Medical Center Groningen, Trainee Cardiology, Netherlands
The course was very extensive, from basics to highly specialized. Lectures were excellent in quality, quantity and presentation. However, IT hardware was troublesome at times.
Muhammad Imran Khan, Radiologist, Lady Reading Hospital, Pakistan
Everything was quite excellent.
Peter Morris, Consultant Radiologist, University Hospital Geelong, Australia
Very good course. Met learning objectives. All friendly. Having individual work stations would have had some advantages.
Amey Aurangabadkar, Consultant Radiologist, Castlereagh Imaging, Australia
It was an excellent course. Everything was explained in detailed but easy to understand manner making this rather alien topic for a Radiologist, rather familiar. Absolutely worth coming all the way from Australia! Highly recommended!
Masnoona Soniya Javid, Consultant Radiologist, Akershus University hospital, Norway
I truly appreciated that Everyone from Dr Mittal to the IT-crew to Mrs Yearley, everyone always said hello with a smile and were incredibly helpful. Dr Pakkal and Dr Mittal remembered everybody’s names. The while atmosphere was very positive, academic and very tuned towards optimal learning.
Mohd Kamal Mohd Arshad, Consultant Cardiologist, UiTM Medical Specialist Centre, Malaysia
Overall an excellent course with good variability and number of cases.
Nazar Luqman Bilgrami, Consultant Cardiologist, Brunei
Would suggest adding more valve, pulmonary vein, pericardium cases. Also on the last day to give 10 random cases and then to tally findings.
Isselt, University Medical Center Groningen, Trainee Cardiology, Netherlands
Very good course with so many cases with enough variety and enough time to practice.
Hugo Brandt Corstius, Consultant Radiologist, Ziekenhuis Amstelland, The Netherlands
Very intensive but satisfactory course. I am ready to do cardiac ct now!
Joanna Szyszko, Consultant Radiologist, Royal Lancaster Infirmary, UK
Very good course with outstanding quality of teaching - many thanks to Dr Mittal and Dr Pakkal for sharing your knowledge and experience. Some more time could be reserved for stent/graft cases and cardiomyopathies discussion as well as NICE guidelines indications for CCT. The non-cardiac findings primer seems to be slightly too short for non-radiologists but covers the most common findings.
Mitchell Baruchin, Consultant Cardiologist, Jersey City Medical Center, USA
Overall, quite excellent. I would suggest that Dr Mittal outline his (subjective) criteria for mild, moderate and severe disease with specific examples and why before reviewing cases. For example, he mentioned only the second day his specific criteria for soft plaque regarding calcium and the lumen. Also, his approach was not uniform. I had the microphone and called plaque mild. He asked me if I had measured, and I had not. By measuring, he demonstrated that it was moderate. My partner had the microphone next, and learning from my omission, he specifically measured, and the % measurement was mild to moderate, but he was corrected and was told that it was severe. Dr Mittal did not measure the second case. My point is either one measures and goes by measurement, or one does not measure and goes by subjective criteria as outlined by Dr Mittal's approach. Personally, I feel that measuring is imprecise, depending on several variables, and would have to be subject to a rigorous clinical trial, of which I did not see any evidence to support. For CAD assessment, I feel that whatever approach one uses, it should be uniform and applied to all cases, with a consistent criterion. I do not feel that I took that away from the course. Mild is mild, and severe is severe, most people agree, but there is a lot of interobserver (and most likely intraobserver) variability in between.Dr Mittal’s response: My apologies for any confusion. Unfortunately, that is often the case that mild (<50%) stenosis or severe (>70% or more) is easier to characterise, while the moderate ones (50-69%) are more difficult to be certain. In such cases one calls them moderate on visual basis or quantifies them using tools available on the software. This is not different to experience with catheter angiography where moderate stenosis are difficult ones and role of FFR is paramount.
Jacob Freiberg, Consultant Cardiologist, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark
It was a good course. It gave good starting prerequisites for getting started with data analysis. Maybe there was too little time to go through each case before the answer came - maybe make the course one day longer to provide more time for each case.
Richard Williams, Consultant Radiologist, Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland
Excellent course which i would highly recommend further very nice variety of cases, each with an important and learning point (very well selected).
Dr Andrew Sambrook, Consultant Radiologist, Royal Lancaster Infirmary
Excellent course. It is rather long but I cannot work out how to make it any shorter.
Dr Abdul Sattar, Consultant Radiologist, Nishtar Medical University
Well organized and informative.
Sudhakar George, Cardiologist, Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand
An excellent course overall with great lectures, great content and a very good venue. I have recommended to several people already! The only less than perfect lecture was the one from the lady from GE - I didn't think it added anything to the course.Dr Mittal’s response: Many thanks Sudhakar. To be fair to GE lady, she was informed about this talk only at the last moment. However, I would let her know.
Dr Undok Wahab, Consultant Cardiologist, Malaysia
Overall the course was run very successfully and professionally. It was run strictly on time. However; a minor IT glitched on last day may be unavoidable. 2 thumbs up for Dr. Tarun, Dr, Mini and teams for great and excellent job.
Ramya Gowri Dhandapani, Consultant Radiologist, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham
Expensive and good course
Leung Hoi Ying, Consultant Radiologist, Hong Kong
If there is better seating arrangement, such as a mix of cardiologist and radiologist on the same station, would enhance the learning experience as there will be different perspective achieved. Currently, there is no sign on the seats for radiologist/cardiologist combination, and result in random seating.Dr Mittal’s response: Thanks Leung. This is my aim to have cardiologist and radiologist seated together. However, although we do state it in the beginning of the course, it is difficult to micromanage as everyone is grown-up adult. However, I would take your advise for next course.
Nada Salih, Consultant Cardiologist, King saud medical city, Saudi Arabia
Very useful course with excellent arrangement.
Suzan Hatipoglu, CMR Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, CMR Unit
Case selection, hospitality and atmosphere was great. Systematic approach to cases and excellent presentation made me feel confident about reporting CT scans even though I have not done it before. I really enjoyed the course.
Andres Spirig, Consultant Radiologist, Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland
The quality of this course was the best i have ever seen before. Thank you very much for that!
Maria Riga, Consultant Cardiologist, Athens, Greece
I should mention the high level and excellent quality of the course. Drs Tarun K Mittal & Mini Pakkal were excellent in organizing and presenting the course. Personally, I would prefer the course to be 1-2 days longer, as I think more cases regarding cardiomyopathies, heart failure and valve diseases should be presented.
Dr Mittal’s response: Maria, thanks for your feedback and suggestion. We are increasing the hands-on time even more from the next course.
Van de Walle Stefaan, Consultant Cardiologist, AZ Delta, Belgium
The overall quality of the course is excellent, with good presentations, excellent interaction a wonderful case load.
Zubin Othman Ibrahim, Consultant Cardiologist, Ara Damansara Medical Centre, Malaysia
Overall was very well organised, excellent speakers, and clear cases. will be useful for both patients and my own practise.
Mette Lykke Norgaard Bertelsen, Consultant Cardiologist, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark
Thank you very much for an excellent course. I have attended many courses by I must say that this course is the Best course I have attended. I am impressed by your knowledge especially Drs Mittal and Mini. Excellent in their presentations precise in they explanations. It was an overall fantastic course. Thank you !!
Amer Kilhidir Mohammed Kheir, Consultant Cardiologist, King Abdullah medical city, Saudi Arabia
Overall very informative comprehensive course I consider myself very lucky to found a chance and attending it.
Slawomir Bielak, Consultant Cardiologist, Sherwood Hospitals Trust, UK
The best course I have ever had. Many thanks to Dr Mittal for organising such a great learning experience.
Micha S. Feinberg, Consultant Cardiologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-hashomer, Israel
Overall the course was very good, provides a good basis to start developing personal experience, as said I wish there was more hands on with respect to valvular heart disease particularly TAVI. Dr Mittal’s response: Thanks Dr Feinberg for your feedback and suggestion. Even I would like to teach more complex cardiac CT – such as TAVI and cardiomyopathies. Unfortunately, for most participants this is a beginning of cardiac imaging, particularly CT and it is important to first learn the basic bread and butter cardiac CT to start with (which this course is about) and take a more advanced course as a next step.
Jasper Iwema, Cardiology trainee, Martini Ziekenhuis, Groningen, The Netherlands
Very well structured and complete course. Excellent logistics, i.e. set-up of workstations. Good balance between presentations on the one hand and hands-on cases on the other hand. Good quality and mixture of hands-on cases in all facets.
Loke Bhatia, Consultant Cardiologist, Wexham Park Hospital, UK
Overall absolutely brilliant course and I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the long hours. Some of the external speakers could be improved (as already mentioned) but Tarun (especially) and Mini were superb. Please continue to place emphasis on hands-on cases as that is where one learns the most. I will certainly recommend this course to others and thank you Tarun once again.
James Dollard, Consultant Cardiologist, Mercy University Hospital, Cork, Ireland
Loved it. Came out of it feeling confident of being competent in cardiac CT.
Ahmed Mounir, Cardiologist, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Perhaps more days with lesser hours.
Riyad Alkaroudi, Consultant Cardiologist, East Kent Hospitals university foundation NHS Trust, UK
Excellent course, highly recommended for anyone who would like to learn cardiac CT and become competent in its application and interpretation.
Hatim Mohamed Abdalla El koronki, Consultant Cardiologist, Saudi Arabia
Yousif Ahmad, Cardiology trainee, Imperial College London, UK
Excellent course content and teaching.
Mohammed Elmujtabs, Consultant Cardiologist, Saudi Arabia
Hesham Fathi Hashem Metwally, Radiologist, AL Ain Hospital, UAE
2017 October
Extremely well organised and delivered. The quality of the lectures, lecturers, course materials, cases and venue more than justify the course fee.
Joshua Camomot, Consultant Cardiologist, Philippines
This is my first time to attend a cardiac CT course and I think it's very good. I came in a bit cynical thinking how can I possibly learn cardiac CT in a week. And it turned out very good and I'm happy about it. I talked with other participants who have attended 3 or 4 cardiac CT courses in the past and they say this is the best course they've attended by far. Couldn't agree more. Thank you!
Abid Ullah, Cardiology SPR, Manchester Royal Infirmary, England
Well organised.
Athina Chasapi, Clinical Fellow in Echocardiography, Hammersmith Hospital, London
The course was really interesting and to the point! Dr Mittal put a lot of effort into it and it definitely met my needs! It is quite expensive though, especially for those who are not getting funded by their hospitals.
Response: These courses are unfortunately expensive to run. For a similar cost (£2000), other courses in UK are for 4 days. In USA, the level 2 courses cost between $6000 to $8000. If we were to run the course in London, it would increase the cost of the course and most delegates coming from outside London would find it much more expensive to stay as well. It is thus all about getting the right balance. This course provides best value of money but most importantly the best training in cardiac CT that you can obtain in 6-days! Please see another perspective below.
Dr Myagerimath, Consultant Cardiologist, South Tyneside Hospital NHS Trust, England
It was a very good hand on experience, and would recommend other to attend. An advance 2-days course for level 2 trained doctors would be helpful.
Yun Yun Go, Consultant Cardiologist, CHU Sart Tilman, Liege, Belgium
Useful Course!
Dr Abdallah, Consultant Physician, Ireland
The overall conduct, quality and performance in this course is excellent and its a highly recommended course.
Thomas Trunggal, Consultant Cardiologist, Hong Kong
Excellent course, wide variety of cases with lots of hands on and very detailed explanation by the tutors.
Chary Duraikannu, Consultant Radiologist, Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust, England
The course gives a excellent insight about the role and application of cardiac CT in clinical scenario.
Maria Luisa Tan, Consultant Radiologist, Philippines
Overall quality is excellent, course was very informative and inspiring that we can hopefully bring this to our centre.
Dr Elrefaey, Cardiologist, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Excellent presentation and very useful course for cardiac CT . Many thanks to Dr. Tarun and Dr. Mini.
Charalampos Papadopoulos, Cardiologist, Birmingham
I am very satisfied with the organisation and overall conduct of the course.
Dr Usman, Consultant Radiologist, Blackpool Victoria Teaching Hospital, England
I really enjoyed this course. It sharpened my reflexes about cardiac and coronary findings.
Lal Hussain Mughal, Cardiology fellow, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, England
Very well organized the course, excellent lectures/presentations and plenty hands-on practice.
Berry Olsson, Consultant Radiologist, Helsingborg General Hospital, Sweden
Very good course. Sometimes I would have appreciated if the lecturer had repeated questions or answers from the audience when there were no microphone.
Response: I agree Berry and surely will try to improve on that.
2017 May
Kristoffer Järlevi, Radiology trainee, Stockholm, Sweden
Excellent course. Even though the course material is superb, it would have been nice to also get a book for reference and further in depth study.
Response: Thanks Kristoffer. I have added a list of books in the online course folder for everyone.
Akmal Hakim ARSHAD, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
I cannot praise this course enough. I totally recommend this course to all who are in cardiac imaging fraternity regardless of their modality of interest.
Mohamed Ali Salah, Cardiologist, International Medical Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
It was one of the best and well prepared courses, materials and work stations were perfect.
Michail Papitsas, Specialist Cardiology, King’s College Hospital, London, UK
Very well organised and intense course meeting the teaching objectives. It is worth the time, money and effort.
Azarisman Shah Mohd Shah, International Islamic University Medical Centre, Kuantan, Malaysia
Chih Wong, Cardiology trainee, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland
Great course. Learnt lots.
Sheref Mohamed Zaghloul, Cardiologist, International Medical Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Very very good and beneficial course. Before I had no idea about CT but know at least 70 % of data I collected easily in 6 days.
Vanessa Posdziech, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Imperial College NHS Trust, London, UK
This was an overall excellent course and I learnt an incredible amount. A particular strong point of the course is the continuous participation on the work stations. It was useful that two participants worked together so that there is constant interaction and feedback. There was a great mix of cases and everything was very well presented. The best course I have ever attended with real added value. Dr Mittal was very thorough throughout the course and showed great concern regarding the learning of the participants. I also enjoyed Mini Pakkal’s contributions very much. Great thanks for the website and all the additional information that we received. It was a very good venue and we were surely fed very well. The course dinners were a great opportunity to get to know this interesting mix of people from all over the world. I have only a few suggestions to make regarding the course manual. - The order of the slides changed between the lectures from left-right to top-bottom. It would be helpful to keep one order to support future reading of the manual. - Whenever there are slides with animation (where pictures where added) the printed version only showed the last version – e.g. Mini Pakkal’s talk on coronary artery anomalies slides “ALCAPA”, “Interarterial course” and “ABCD”. It’s a very nice feature during the talk but it’s a shame to miss out on the images in the manual. - Would it be possible to have a list of abbreviation either at the beginning of the manual or at the end of each talk? Abbreviations make the slides less crowded and easier to read but the reader of the manual may get stuck. - It would be nice to have at least once a change of partners during the course. This would allow us to get to know other people and their reporting style. Not sure whether this would work while asking the participants in order – I feature I rather liked as it kept us on our toes without being too stressful and distractive Thanks again for this fabulous course!
Response: Vanessa, thanks for your appreciation and suggestions. I would attempt to incorporate them for the next courses.
Ana Garcia Campos, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
Excellent. Exceeded my expectations.
Garbriella Captur, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Barts Hospital, London, UK
Dear Dr Mittal and the rest of the organising committee, thank you for providing us with the opportunity to attend such an excellent course (some of us at short notice). Your enthusiasm for the specialty is palpable and contagious. The course has changed my unlearned perception of cardiac CT - I am keen now to embrace this an imaging sub-speciality to complement cardiac MR, perhaps even trump it. Thanks to UK CCT, I have discovered a new and fascinating peephole into the human heart of images perfectly registered and of pristine resolution. Thank you for giving us trainees this wonderful learning opportunity and I hope this course may continue to grow and succeed, nationally and internationally, under your inspiring leadership for many years to come.
Dr. Zsolt Szigeti, Consultant Cardiologist, Budapest, Hungary
It was a perfect course, it reached the goal which I was going for.
Ahmed Al-Khayfawee, Radiology Trainee, UCLH, London, UK
It is an excellent course.
Anna Parisiadou, Specialist Cardiology, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital, UK
The course was overall excellent. My only points would be that was very intensive, especially the day when stents and grafts were presented. You could consider dedicate two days, as both are used in daily practice. Congratulations!
Response: Anna, thanks for your suggestions. It would be good to that but will require more time or reducing time on other aspects. I consider this as a ‘basic’ level 2 course with a taste to more advance topics.
Fredrik Karlefors, Consultant Radiologist, Helsingborg, Sweden
Most satisfied overall! Personally, I think in a lecture format the need for a lot of references to convince the audience is unnecessary - it will more distract from the real message with all diagrams and curves. It´s very nice to see that it has a real scientific approach and sometimes add some value, but it can also obscure, which I sometimes experienced. Thank you for an overall learning course and for the big enthusiasm from the faculty, especially Dr Mittal.
Response: Fredrik, I understand your concern. However, it is essential for those training to have competency at Level 2 are also familiar with the scientific evidence.
Jeremy Butts, Consultant Cardiologist, Calderdale Royal Hospital, UK
Excellent course. Comprehensive list of cases with good lectures
Dennis Rooker, Cardiology trainee, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
I already mentioned my general comments before. It was a great course which I enjoyed very much. It's very well structured and gave a good walkthrough for cardiac CT. I did this course on the recommendation of one of our consultants. Two comments: - I would prefer a bit of a faster pace during the hands-on cases. Less time between your review of the scan and the discussion. - More use of the quiz app during some hands-on cases. It's improves your attention span due to the interaction.
Response: Dennis, thanks for your suggestions. The pace is kept with everyone in mind and unfortunately, to suite the slower participants. One can certainly try to use the quiz app more often.
Amir Shahzad Anwar, Cardiology trainee, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK
Excellent and highly recommended course. Thanks for the organizers.
Mudassar Baig, Consultant Cardiologist, Sunderland Royal Hospital, UK
Excellent course both for the new starters as well as for experienced trainees/specialists.
Sameera Mohamed ali, Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, Dubai, UAE
This was an Excellent course and has helped in understanding cardiac CT in depth. The hands-on training and the discussion following each case was helpful. Hope to have similar courses in other aspects of cardiac imaging.
Antonio de Marvao, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Imperial College NHS Trust, London, UK
This course is excellent and the best I have attended during my training as a Cardiologist. It provided me with the knowledge and skills to improve my practice in CT and also in intervention and other imaging modalities. Highly recommended.
Maria Boutsikou, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
Excellent organisation of the course. However, conference venue is not easily accessible by public transport.
Aye Thida Hline, Consultant Cardiologist, Queens Hospital, Essex, UK
It is an excellent course. Dr Mittal has put a great effort to run the course efficiently and also deliver a high standard of learning activities. He makes sure everyone is actively involved in discussion and creates an enjoyable and memorable event.
Gabija Pundziute-do Prado, Consultant Cardiologist, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
A very good course with minor imperfections. Many compliments to dr. Mittal who is a very dedicated and qualified teacher.
Sabir Abdul Karim, Specialist Cardiology, University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, UK
Superb. Well organised. Very useful.
Ahmad Farhan Abdul Hamid, Cardiology trainee, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London, UK
Ana Garcia Campos, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
Very intense but provides extensive basic knowledge.
Marc Hinterberger, Consultant Radiologist, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland
The course is way too expensive. For this money I would at least have expected to have the case discussions in smaller groups (max. 8 people per group). Next time hand out a printed out evaluation form at the beginning of the course so as to evaluate in a live manner. Some speakers I could hardly remember well at the end of the week now.
Response: I can understand that the course may seem expensive. However, there are large expenses involved in organising such hands-on courses. Also, this course is less than half the cost compared to similar courses in USA. Unfortunately, everyone is moving towards on-line feedback. Yes, I can ask participants to start writing down comments for each lecture on the manual itself from the very start.
Gaby Captur, Cardiology Imaging Fellow, Barts Hospital, London, UK
Sincere thanks to Dr Mittal - a great inspiration for any aspiring cardiac imaging cardiology trainee. Your commitment and enthusiasm for the field are contagious and career shaping for trainees. Thank you for so generously sharing your CT knowledge base and decades of experience with us in such a short space of time - I am immeasurably grateful.
Dr Edney Boston-Griffiths, Cardiology trainee, Basildon Hospital, UK
The quality of the course can only be described as excellent.
Matthew Barrett, Cardiology trainee, St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Excellent overall course. Would highly recommend.
Kaes Al-Anee, Consultant Cardiologist, Al Noor Hospital, UAE
Good, informative and comprehensive
Neil Ruparelia, Cardiology Fellow, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
Excellent course, all learning objective achieved
Bruno Loeprich, Consultant Cardiologist, German Heart Institute Berlin
Highly advisable, would book again.
2016 November
Course Directors
Course Director:
Dr Tarun K Mittal MD, FRCR, FSCCT, Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust. Read more...
Course Co-Director:
Dr Ben Ariff PhD, FRCR, Consultant Cardiac Radiologist, Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust
Course Co-Director:
Dr Mini Pakkal FRCR, Assistant Professor in Cardiac Imaging, Toronto General Hospital, Canada
Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Endorsed by

Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography,
the professional society devoted exclusively to cardiovascular CT
The course provides 46 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists, London.
Helping underprivileged
We are committed to help support education to underprivileged children in developing countries.
One-fourth of any profits through the course fees are donated to such charites.